Abstract—This research evaluate the potential of education
buildings in Maejo University to be constructed with green roof.
There are four main factors to be considered in this research,
include of; building and roof’s structure, roof’s slope and
materials, roof’s space and accessibility, and the ability of
management and maintenance. The result shows that, from
twenty six education building, three can be built intensive green
roof immediately, seven can be built but gardeners are needed
and sixteen can be built with extensive green roof.
Index Terms—Education building, intensive green roof,
extensive green roof, LL (Live load), roof’s slope, roof’s
materials, flat slap, accessibility, gardener.
Chollatip Jalanugroh and Nachawit Tikul are with the Environmental
Design and Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design,
Maejo University, Chiang Mai 50290 Thailand (e-mail:
chollatip21@hotmail.com, nachawit@gmail.com).
Cite:Chollatip Jalanugroh and Nachawit Tikul, "Evaluation of Education Buildings for Green Roof Construction in Maejo University, Chiang Mai, Thailand," Journal of Clean Energy Technologies vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 433-437, 2017.