Abstract—Lipase is one of biocatalysts which have been used
commercially for processes in industries, such as bioenergy, food,
and pharmaceutical industry. Nowadays, biocatalysts are
preferred in industries because they work in mild condition,
have high specificity, and reduce energy consumption (high
pressure and temperature). But, the usage of lipase for
industrial scale is limited by economic reason due to expensive
price of lipase and difficulty of separation system.
Immobilization of lipase is one of the solution to maintain
activity of lipase and reduce separation system in process.
Therefore, we conduct study about lipase immobilization with
adsorption-cross linking method using glutaraldehyde because
this method produce high enzyme loading and stability. Lipase is
immobilized on different kind of resin with various functional
group. Highest enzyme loading (76.69%) was achieved by lipase
immobilized on anion macroporous resin which have anion
functional group (OH-). However, highest activity (24,69 U/g
support) through olive oil emulsion method was achived by
lipase immobilized on anion macroporous-chitosan which have
amino (NH2) and anion (OH-) functional group. In addition, it
also successed to produce biodiesel with yield reaching 50,6%
through interesterification reaction and after 4 cycles it still
produced a yield of 63.9% relative to initial yield. Meanwhile,
for Aspergillus niger lipase immobilized on anion macroporous
chitosan is show unit activity of 22,84 U/g resin and biodiesel
yield higher than commercial lipase (69,1%) and after 4 cycles it
is still stable reach 70.6% relative from initial yield. This shows
that optimum functional group on support for immobilization
with adsorption-cross linking is support that contains amino
(NH2) and anion (OH-) functional groups because they can react
with glutaraldehyde and bind with enzyme, therefore
preventing the desorption of lipase from support through
binding lipase with functional group on support.
Index Terms—Adsorption-cross linking, lipase, resin,
A. Nuraliyah, A. Kurnia, I. Maulana, A. WIjanarko and H. Hermansyah
are with Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424 Indonesia (e-mail: heri@che.ui.ac.id).
Cite:Andi Nuraliyah, Annisa Kurnia, Ibnu Maulana, Anondho Wijanarko, and Heri Hermansyah, "Effect of Anion and Amino Functional Group on Resin for Lipase Immobilization with Adsorption-Cross Linking Method," Journal of Clean Energy Technologies vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 366-370, 2017.