Abstract—This paper is about commercial buildings energy consumption survey (CBECS) benchmarking database consept, its applications and related applications in Turkey. CBECS is useful for energy efficiency in new commercial building constructions, which is a key target to control and lower U.S. nation-wide energy use. Determining energy consumption of buildings is a key target for energy efficiency. Building energy efficiency is crucial especially for economical and climate change concerns. Improving energy efficiency in commercial buildings is useful in order to decrease energy use, owner operating costs, and carbon footprint of the buildings. The aims are to estimate life-cycle energy savings, cost performance of energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction in new commercial buildings utilizing an integrated design, and estimate results. Obtaining energy consumption of buildings can be utilized to decrease energy usage in new commercial buildings by 20–30% on average and up to over 40%. Thus, improved efficiencies permit smaller, cheaper HVAC equipment usage.
Index Terms—Energy, renewable energy, energy consumption, CBECS, energy saving.
Ö. Boydak is with the Mechanical Engineering Department, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Unalan, 34700 Istanbul, Turkey (e-mail: ozlem.boydak@medeniyet.edu.tr).
Cite:Ö. Boydak , "Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) and Its Comparison with Turkey Applications," Journal of Clean Energy Technologies vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 69-72, 2017.