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    • ISSN: 1793-821X (Print)
    • Abbreviated Title: J. Clean Energy Technol.
    • Frequency: Quarterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/JOCET
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Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia.
I would like to express my appreciation to all the reviewers and editors, who have been working
very hard to ensure the quality of the journal. It's my honor to work with such a wonderful team.

JOCET 2016 Vol.4(5): 341-345 ISSN: 1793-821X
DOI: 10.18178/JOCET.2016.4.5.309

Reuse of Waste Sugarcane Agribusiness and Green Power Generation

L. R. Holanda and F. S. Ramos
Abstract—Currently, the biggest challenge is to maintain the productive sector and increase competitiveness while serving the needs of stakeholders, and is clearly more complicated with the inclusion of the environmental variable. Within a highly competitive environment, the waste of sugarcane production ends up being a waste of money, they represent a part of the investment that does not generate revenue. This paper presents through a literature review, a study of the entire production process of the sugar and alcohol industry, identifying the waste that it produces in the process, such as straw and sugarcane bagasse, wash water from sugarcane, filter cake, vinasse and carbon dioxide. And, with the result that management of such waste through the determination of possible alternatives to the use of these, producing byproducts, and generating a new green energy source, maximizing their productivity and profit as well as improving the environmental awareness of the company.

Index Terms—Agribusiness, green energy, waste.

The authors are with the Production Engineering Department, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. (e-mail:,


Cite:L. R. Holanda and F. S. Ramos, "Reuse of Waste Sugarcane Agribusiness and Green Power Generation," Journal of Clean Energy Technologies vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 341-345, 2016.

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