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    • ISSN: 1793-821X (Print)
    • Abbreviated Title: J. Clean Energy Technol.
    • Frequency: Quarterly
    • DOI: 10.18178/JOCET
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Haider F. Abdul Amir
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Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia.
I would like to express my appreciation to all the reviewers and editors, who have been working
very hard to ensure the quality of the journal. It's my honor to work with such a wonderful team.

JOCET 2016 Vol.4(5): 316-320 ISSN: 1793-821X
DOI: 10.18178/JOCET.2016.4.5.304

Thermal Analysis of the Performance of Linear Fresnel Solar Concentrator

Mohamed H. Ahmed and Amr M. A. Amin
Abstract—The Linear Fresnel Concentrator (LFC) took a significant attention in the recent decades from the researchers and the stakeholders. This attention can be attributed to possessing this type of concentrator several features enable it to overcome some of the problems facing other types of concentrators. Numerical simulation for the LFC along one year has been carried out for a given design. The results illustrate the effect of the Incidence Angle Modifier (IAM) and the operating parameters such as, the fluid mass flow rate and the inlet temperature on the thermal performance of the LFC. The results show a significant effect of the daily and seasonal changing in the incidence angle of the direct radiation on the IAM consequently the thermal performance and the collector efficiency. Maximum output thermal energy of about 40 to 96 KW was recorded for December and June respectively. This paper presents a numerical model that can be used for design optimization to get the maximum efficiency.

Index Terms—Incidence angle modifier, linear Fresnel concentrator, simulation model, receiver tube.

M. H. Ahmed is with the Solar Energy Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Egypt (e-mail:
A. M. A. Amin is with the Electrical Department, Helwan University, Helwan, Egypt (e-mail:


Cite:Mohamed H. Ahmed and Amr M. A. Amin, "Thermal Analysis of the Performance of Linear Fresnel Solar Concentrator," Journal of Clean Energy Technologies vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 316-320, 2016.

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