Abstract—In this work we present the results of monitoring a building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system which was installed in Bogota, Colombia. The system is functioning in the building of the Economics Department at the Central University, and it is composed of a 900 W photovoltaic generator connected to the electrical grid through a 700 W inverter. A two-year monitoring process of the system and the meteorological variables allowed us to assess the energy performance, and correlate power production with solar radiation.
Index Terms—Irradiance, photovoltaic, solar energy, performance.
A. J. Aristizábal, C. Páez, and I. Dyner are with Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, Colombia (e-mail: andresj.aristizabalc@utadeo.edu.co, carlosa.paezch@utadeo.edu.co, isaac.dynerr@utadeo.edu.co).
J. Camacho and A. Pérez are with Central University, Colombia (e-mail: jcamachoc1@ucentral.edu.co, aperez@ucentral.edu.co).
Cite:J. Aristizábal, J. Camacho, A. Pérez, C. Páez, and I. Dyner, "Operation Results of a Photovoltaic System Interconnected to the Low Voltage Grid in Bogotá, Colombia," Journal of Clean Energy Technologies vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 107-111, 2016.