Abstract—With depleting conventional energy resources, whole world is now looking for alternatives to meet energy demands. One of the solutions is renewable energy which is non-exhaustible and non-polluting, but problem is intermittent nature of these energies. Hybrid models have been an effective means of generating electricity throughout the world. Lots of research work has been done and continuing to accommodate new advances in this system. This paper focuses on a hybrid system comprising of wind mill, solar photovoltaic (PV) modules, electrolyzers and fuel cell for satisfying small electrical loads in milliwatts .Dynamic analysis of individual components, combination of different components is performed under various load conditions. Characteristic curves of each system are recorded and analysed using clean energy trainer apparatus and software. Comparison is made between solar-wind and solar-wind-fuel cell systems for a given load profile in milliwatt scale. This hybrid system can be used in remote sensing, medical application, electronic gadgets, that consumes milliwatts of energy.
Index Terms—Electrolyzers, fuel cell, hybrid system, solar photovoltaic, wind mill.
P. K. Saini is with the Mechanical Engineering Department, RIMT Institutes, Punjab, India (e-mail: sainipuneet497@gmail.com).
A. Biswas and D. Bhanja are with the Mechanical Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Silchar, India (e-mail: agnibis@mec.nits.ac.in, dipankar@mec.nits.ac.in).
Cite:Puneet Kumar Saini, Agnimitra Biswas, and Dipankar Bhanja, "Performance Evaluation and Simulation of Solar Panel, Wind Mill, Fuel Cell Hybrid System for Small Scale Energy Harvesting," Journal of Clean Energy Technologies vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 417-421, 2015.