Abstract—In order to study the effect of nature gas
production rate on the reservoirs with gas cap,
three-dimensional visualized gas-cap reservoir physical
simulation device was established to simulate the processes of
oil and gas development at different gas production rates.
Monitoring and records of the interface migration law and well
performance can be realized through visualization window.
According to experimental result, it is shown that migration
speed of oil-gas interface was reduced with increasing gas
production rates while migration speeds of internal and
external oil-gas interfaces gradually became close, which
effectively slows down occurrence of gas channeling, reduces
production gas oil ratio and increases the swept volume of gas
drive, so as to improve its development effect. According to the
optimization of collaborative development for gas-cap oil-rim
reservoirs, the equivalence of accumulative production of oil
and gas can reach the maximum value when the fixed period of
reservoir exploitation is 50 years and the gas production rate is
between 2% and 4%.
Index Terms—Oil rim reservoir, coordinated development,
indoor experiment, migration law of oil-gas interface, gas
production rates.
The authors are with the Oil & Gas Development major in College of
Petroleum Engineering at China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
(e-mail: liujiaoil@126.com; 529207904@qq.com; lscheng@cup.edu.cn;
Cite:Liu Jia, Cheng Linsong, Huang Shijun, and Zhang Jian, "Experimental Investigation of Nature Gas Production Rate's Effect on the Reservoirs with Gas Cap," Journal of Clean Energy Technologies vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 248-251, 2014.